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Jessica Anderson

My love for travel was kindled during an exchange semester at university. Six transformative months in Singapore made it clear that travel was to become a lifelong passion.

My love for travel was kindled during an exchange semester at university. Six transformative months in Singapore made it clear that travel was to become a lifelong passion. Within days of my arrival, I forged lifelong friendships and planned adventures for every free moment. Weekends were spent exploring Borneo, Indonesia, Thailand, and beyond. Eleven years later, these friendships remain, and we still find opportunities to reunite.

I’ve experienced extreme climates on my travels—the hottest being a sweltering 44 degrees in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where my legs felt glued to a tuk-tuk seat en route to the markets. The coldest was crossing the Chain Bridge in Budapest during the 2018 Beast from the East cold snap, my hands turning blue from the icy cold air.

For the past decade, I’ve worked in the travel industry, navigating both the leisure and corporate sectors. Starting a family in 2021 has meant travel has evolved and changed for my husband and I, but so far we haven’t slowed down and have already managed two trips up to Fiji with the kids! One day the dream is to get the kids to Africa and overland, Nairobi right down to Cape Town. A far away dream right now, but one we will eventually turn into a reality!

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